A Dozen Roses: Wrapped or Arranged in a Vase
Imagine a unique flower arrangement featuring a dozen of the most exquisite roses. This enchanting bouquet effortlessly blends sophistication with the classic allure of roses, creating a visual masterpiece that captivates the senses. We source the boldest, most unusual roses that you won't find anywhere else, and you'll be amazed at the varieties we have in store.
Each of the twelve roses is handpicked for its unique petals, vibrant hues, and delicate fragrance. The arrangement showcases a perfect balance of colors, ranging from deep, passionate reds to soft, delicate pinks or any other color combination of your choice. The meticulously arranged roses create a harmonious dance of elegance and romance, making it an ideal gift for various occasions.
Send a message of enduring love and beauty with a Dozen Roses, a flower arrangement that transcends the ordinary and transforms any moment into a celebration of love and joy.
Care Tips and Vase Life:
Flowers like cool temperatures and to be away from direct sunlight! For best longevity, replace water and trim stems at an angle every other day. With care, your roses from Running on Blooms should last a week or more (these are NOT your usual grocery store flowers!).